Author: Andrew McDonough
Illustrator: Andrew McDonough
Publisher: Lost Sheep Resources
Age Range: 4 – 7
Another entertaining Easter story book from Australian Christian writer, Andrew McDonough. Although Andrew McDonough is not a Catholic writer, this story book is suitable to use with Catholic children. It is a fun and simple retelling of the story of Peter denying Jesus three times before the rooster crowed.
The story begins in a light-hearted manner explaining how Peter is a big, tough man and chickens and roosters are not tough. McDonough then retells the story of how Jesus told his disciples that they would all abandon him and run away. The disciples – John, James and Peter- are incensed that Jesus would suggest such a thing. They loudly protest their intention to stick with Jesus no matter what.
Well, we know how the story goes – James and John run away. Peter lashes out with a sword – and then runs away. In very simple words and language, McDonough tells the story of how Peter denied being Jesus’ friend three times. And then the rooster crows.
“And Peter ran out the gate,
and cried and cried and cried.”
The story then ends with a promise that Peter and Jesus will make up in the next book.
Personally, I find these books by Lost Sheep to be very entertaining. They are extremely bright and cleverly illustrated. McDonough seems to capture something of the personality of each character with his drawings. They are very well pitched to the age range – simple in language and design. Children will relate to the themes of failing and messing up, and not being as big and brave as we think we are.
At the end of the book, the actual scriptural passage from Luke is provided so that you can read the story from the Bible if you choose. McDonough also makes suggestions to parents and teachers who may be reading to children – he suggests that everyone tries to flex their muscles to see how big and tough they are. Children will enjoy talking about why Peter lied and ran away crying. They will have lots of great ideas!
Author, Andrew McDonough
There is a video of children reading this book on YouTube HERE that I recommend. I must say that I truly appreciated this book so much more once I heard the way children immerse themselves into the story as they read it.
Some people may think this is an irreverent book, but I honestly believe that it is extremely well pitched to the age range and would recommend it highly.
You can purchase An Easter Story: Peter and the Rooster HERE
Checkout another Andrew McDonough Easter book HERE